Segala alam terjadi meliputi manusia dan benda yang hidup maupun mati. Dan apa yang terjadi padaku pula yang akan mempengaruhi alam sekitarku. Maka, disini aku akan berbagi apa yang ku rasa, fikir, alami, dan ingin bagikan. Aku hanya ingin berbagi :) -K-

Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013

Black and White, Feel Bored? Cut Them All !

Sometimes you may doesn't know what you must to do in this life. Either you have a great hobby that you can do, but it feels like you're really really bored of what you wanna do at this time. Sure not only you that had to feel like that. Many people when they entering they own saturated period they will feel like that, include me of course :P

I have a suggestion for you :D
(based on my experiences)

1. RESET ;) 
When you feel like boredom come so sudden on your day, and make it become gray anywhere, that means you must take e minute to stop doing anything (include to think), but you still need to breath. Let it happen on a few second and stay calm. If you feeel better, trying to smile and at the same time, trying to remember something makes you have a reason to happy, whatever is it.

2. Be Healthy :D
If the first step can't change your feeling, try this one. Find a place that you can get a fresh mineral water. Yup! Not soda, coffe, or another sucks things. Just Fresh mineral water. Like we know from many research that mineral water has many advantages for human body. And believe me, it can be your mood booster. More you drink it, more benefits you get.

3. Relaxing ^-^
Almost like the first tips, but this one much better if you do it with no interference. And even you do it only in 60s, it would be help you to change your mood. How? Just find a place that you can enjoy yourself, being alone, and quiet enough to relaxing your mind. It can be on toilet of course, (that's my favorite place). Then close your eyes, and follow the first tips.

Actually there are many tips to kick the grey mood, but what i write here is the simple one that you can do  in a flash. But the important one is how you set your mind to thanks to God for everything He gave to you. How you see another people who not as luck as you now. And raise your head, smile to the world, and be a Great one from the other.


Jumat, 14 Juni 2013


Malam ini mungkin gelap. bahkan bisa terbilang tiada bintang yang tertabur di luasnya mega angkasa ini. angin masih berhembus sama kuatnya seperti di malam sebelumnya. Namun malah ini ada yang lain pada diriku, terjadi suatu ketimpangan pola pikir yang serempak menerjang di malam ini. Ya, apapun itu, rasanya aku ingin sejenak melepas sesuatu yang menjadi beban pikiran ku. Tak terlalu mengerti dan memahami apa isi kepalaku yang sedikit kacau ini, aku coba untuk hanya memandang langit, menikmati mendung yang merekah itu.

Tidak tau berapa lama aku memandangi langit, aku tersadar betapa aku sangat membuang waktu ku. Jadi ku putuskan turun dari loteng dan kembali ke depan laptop setia ku untuk sekedar mencari kesibukan. Masih tetap berat kepala ini dengan hal yang bahkan seperti orang terhipnotis, rasanya hidup ku malam ini terasa begitu ringan tanpa beban. Namun ini terasa salah, tiada beban membuatku merasa kacau.

Baiklah. Karena aku tidak tau apa yang akan terjadi malam ini hingga esok hari. Maka akan ku habiskan malam ini dengan mencari sesuatu yang mungkin bisa menghiburku. Semoga aku akan mendapatkan keberuntungan yang biasanya selalu menemaniku.